On a Morning Jog

     We've been focusing more on nature this year, and as I went jogging one morning I stopped at our city pond just to see what birds might be around. There were a lot of new birds, ones I've never seen here! White Egret, Night Heron, Great Blue Heron, Pelicans, which I've seen here before but never this many looking like they're fishing together, and diving Terns! I've been learning about nature connections for adults and kids lately, and one great idea is a "sit spot." It's a place to go daily to watch the changes in nature and to feel the healing power of it, and I like this spot for connecting with nature! It shows us once again that things happen all round us that we aren't even aware of- who knew that egrets stopped by in the Corinne pond? I sure didn't and I've been looking to study nature more for about a year! I also saw some fun things that Terns do- one stopped in the air, flapped for awhile, then dived right into the water! I had no idea they did that, and I didn't see a fish, but I assume that's what they were doing. One more thing to look up I guess.

I haven't seen these birds here before (or since, the last 2 times I stopped there it was silent and no big birds like these), and was excited to find out what they are: a juvenile Black Crowned Heron, these are squatty birds so I wasn't sure what they were, but after a bit of searching I found them. The juveniles are speckled grey and brown, while the adults have bluish grey heads and wings with red eyes (below). Also in the picture is what I think is a breeding Snowy Egret, since it has black legs, yellow feet, a black beak and wispy feathers in the back. Thank you internet and bird books! 
Herons: https://www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/Black-crowned_Night-Heron/id?gclid=Cj0KCQjwu_jYBRD8ARIsAC3EGCJeYGzKJd4TpzVrgao0BZUbKUtFMuYJSErZsYI_ONx89oJo4V_u0sMaAt82EALw_wcB
Egrets: https://www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/Black-crowned_Night-Heron/id?gclid=Cj0KCQjwu_jYBRD8ARIsAC3EGCJeYGzKJd4TpzVrgao0BZUbKUtFMuYJSErZsYI_ONx89oJo4V_u0sMaAt82EALw_wcB


It's fuzzy, but they're together here. 


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